Statutory Information

In this section you can find  important information and documents about our school.


(also see Policies section for statutory policies)

School Prospectus May 2023

City of York Admission Consultation

KS2 ResultsThe KS2 2023 performance data is not reportable since there were fewer than 10 pupils in the Year 6 cohort. 

School Performance Tables – GOV.UK

Ofsted Reports

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools – Report March 2017

Curriculum Intent

Length of the school day

School Uniform

Pupil Premium Reporting

Pupil Premium Statement December 2022

Pupil Premium Statement December 2021

2020-21 Pupil Premium Grant Report 

2019-20 Pupil Premium Action Plan

2018-19 Pupil Premium Grant Report

2018-19 Pupil Premium Action Plan

2017-18 Pupil Premium Grant Report

2017-18 Pupil Premium Action Plan

2016-17 Pupil Premium Grant Report

PE and Sports Grant Reporting 

Primary PE and Sport Premium Plan and Reporting May 2023

2021-22 Primary PE and Sport Premium Plan and Reporting July 2022

2020-21 Primary PE and Sports Premium  Plan and Reporting July 2021

2019-20 Primary PE and Sport Premium Plan and Reporting July 2020

Privacy Notice St Barnabas CE Primary School

Freedom of Information Publication Scheme

Financial Information

School Financial Information

No employees at St Barnabas CE Primary School earn more than £100,000






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YO26 4YZ
01904 936330

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