
We, the Governors of St Barnabas CE Primary School, are actively involved in the life and work of the school. We support the activities which are happening at St Barnabas as well as providing challenge to enable the school to move forward; recognising achievements and evaluating progress.

The role of the governing body is to help the school provide the best possible education for all of our pupils, and to ensure the school meets all its statutory obligations.

The members of the Governing Body at St Barnabas is below.  If you are interested in becoming a governor, please contact school.

Mrs Anne Williamson – Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor &  SEND Link Governor

Mr Jo Patton – Co-opted Governor – Vice Chair of Governors

Mr John Halsall – Co-opted Governor

Mr Maguire Agnew – Co-opted Governor

Mrs Heidi Moon – Parent Governor

Rev Paul Millard – Foundation Governor ex-officio

Mr Dan Bellinger – LA Governor

Mrs Jill Richards – Headteacher

Vacancy- Parent Governor x1

Vacancy – Co-opted Governor x 1

Vacancy  – Staff Governor 

Safeguarding Governor – Jo Patton 

Being a Parent Governor

Click here to find out more about the role of a Parent Governor

Governor Monitoring

Governors carry out a range of activities to enable them to have a good understanding of how the school is progressing and to ensure that the school meets it’s statutory obligations.

All governors are encouraged to attend the annual ‘Monitoring Morning or Afternoon’. During this visit, governors have the opportunity to spend time in lessons and talk to pupils about different aspects of school for example behaviour and learning.

Governors have specific ‘link roles’ linked to subjects (e.g. Maths, English) or area (e.g. Safeguarding, SEN) . These governors meet with the relevant member of staff leading this area several times each year. They discuss plans and developments in these specific areas. Governors may also inspect documents such as health and safety checks and reports.

In addition, each year group  has a link governor. This governor visits the class and discusses progress and specific strategies that are in place to support learning with the class teacher and teaching assistant.

Register of Business Interests 2022-23

St Barnabas Register of Business Interests 2022-23






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Jubilee Terrace,
Leeman Road,
YO26 4YZ
01904 936330

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