Church Visits

We have strong links with St Barnabas Church which is located just next door to school. 

Click below to find out more about times of services and other community events at St Barnabas Church.

St Barnabas Church Events

We attend for regular services at times such as Harvest Festival, Christmas, Easter, St Barnabas Day and for our very special Leavers’ Service at the end of the year.

The church PCC and school jointly give gifts of Bibles to children in school, supported by the scheme Bibles for Schools. In the Reception Class, children receive a story Bible at the Easter service and the Year 6 leavers receive a copy of the Good News Bible.  

Harvest Festival 

The children led the service with a theme of ‘Taste and see that the Lord is Good’.  We enjoyed a performance of the Parable of the Sower, a presentation about a class topic on Chocolate and on children’s favourite foods. Year 6 told us more about the work of Tear Fund. Children donated gifts of food to Besom, York and we held a non-uniform day and cake sale to raise funds for Tear Fund.

Contact Us

Jubilee Terrace,
Leeman Road,
YO26 4YZ
01904 936330

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