
Maths is usually taught as a daily lesson and pupils have opportunities to apply their maths skills and knowledge in other  curriculum areas. We follow the Maths National Curriculum 2014

The Maths Curriculum at St Barnabas

Children in Years 1-6 follow the Maths No-Problem! Scheme. Click on the below to find out more about our approach to teaching maths.

Maths Curriculum Statement

Progression of Skills

The documents below set out the knowledge and skills that children learn in each in each year group from Y1-6 and in each area of maths.

Skills Progression – Place Value

Skills Progression – Addition and Subtraction

Skills Progression – Multiplication and Division

Skills Progression – Fractions

Skills Progression – Geometry- Position & Direction

Skills Progression – Geometry Properties of Shape

Skills Progression – Measurement

Skills Progression – Ratio and Proportion

Skills Progression – Statistics

Skills Progression – Algebra

Progression of Skills in the Early Years Foundation Stage

The documents below set out the knowledge and skills that children develop in the Early Years in the different areas of early mathematics.

Skills Progression – Cardinality and Counting

Skills Progression – Comparison

Skills Progression – Composition

Skills Progression – Measures

Skills Progression – Pattern

Skills Progression – Shape and Space

Methods of Calculation

Click below to view our Calculations Policy which shows the progression in methods used when learning addition, subtraction, multiplication and division through school. 

Maths Calculation Policy


Other Useful Information

Click the headings to find out more about the Maths No-Problem approach to teaching maths

What is maths mastery?

What is Singapore maths?

What is the CPA approach?


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Leeman Road,
YO26 4YZ
01904 936330

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