Parent Governor

I have been a parent governor for just over 3 years and have found it to be a hugely rewarding role. It is great to be able to help in the running of the school that your children attend.

When I started being a governor I was a little apprehensive about what I would have to do and whether I would be up to the task. I quickly realised that whilst there was a fair bit to learn there was also a huge amount of free training and support available. Initially I attended a number of council run courses in the evening that gave me a good understanding of what a governor is supposed to do and how schools are run and managed. In addition to this external training I quickly found that the governing body themselves were hugely supportive in helping new governors find their feet.

The thing that I love most about being a governor is that it is a real pleasure to be part of a group of likeminded, positive people all working hard to ensure that St Barnabas continues to improve as a school, ensuring the best outcomes possible for all the children that attend it.

St Barnabas, like all schools, needs parents to get involved as governors. I would encourage any parent, who feels they can commit the time, to apply when a position becomes available, no matter what their age, background or situation. As with anything in life, the more you put into the role the more you get out, and this is true of being a governor but I have found it to be hugely rewarding and very enjoyable.


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Jubilee Terrace,
Leeman Road,
YO26 4YZ
01904 936330

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