Parents’ Forum

Parents’ Forum

05/06/2019 5:15pm to 6:00pm

The first Parents’ Forum will be held this Wednesday 5th June at 5:15-6pm in the hall. Please come to the main entrance.

These meetings will be held once per term with Miss Boardman. They are an opportunity to consult with you about new initiatives and for you to share your ideas about specific themes. On the survey, half of respondents preferred a meeting at the beginning of the day and half preferred the early evening. We will therefore alternate between the two times.

This first meeting will focus on the themes of home-school communication and our behaviour policy and procedures. I am interested on your views on the use of our ‘Going for Gold’ and ClassDojo system.

I look forward to seeing you there. If you are unable to attend and would like to give your views about these areas, please have a chat with me in the mornings as I am by the gate.

Contact Us

Jubilee Terrace,
Leeman Road,
YO26 4YZ
01904 936330

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