
At St Barnabas, we use computing to aid and enrich learning in all areas of the curriculum, such as research and presenting our work.  It inspires us to be more creative and dynamic in how we acquire and share our learning. Using the Computing National Curriculum, we have created a child-friendly skills-led curriculum which helps pupils to be aware of the different aspects of computing and the related skills that we learn:

Each area is broken into ‘I can’ statements which help the children to track their achievement and skills throughout each topic.

We have a trolley of laptops and a trolley of tablets so that pupils can use them flexibly in the classrooms to support learning.

See below for our computing curriculum documents and long-term planning:

Year 1 and 2 Overview 2016-2017

Year 3 Overview 2016-2017

UKS2 Computing Overview 2016-17

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Jubilee Terrace,
Leeman Road,
YO26 4YZ
01904 936330

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