Christmas Event Reminders

There will be no Celebration Assembly tomorrow (14th December).

The PTA Christmas Fair will be held at 3pm on 14th December in the hall. If you have bought tickets to see Santa, please go to his ‘grotto’ in Simmonds Class outdoor area between 3-4:30pm.

Children are invited to wear Christmas jumpers on Christmas Dinner day next Wednesday (19th). 

Children can wear party clothes to school next Thursday (20th)

Thank you for your donations to the class ‘Reverse Advent Calendars’. Please send any further donations of items (dried / tinned/ packet food for the local food bank) by Wednesday 19th at the latest.

Well done to Reception and Key Stage 1 for their fantastic nativity performance yesterday. There will be a further performance at 2pm today.

We hope to see you at our whole school Carol Service at St Barnabas Church on Friday 20th December at 9:30am.



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